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We understand that you have questions about this project. We have listed the most frequently asked questions for you.

How long will the entire operation take?

All in all, we estimate that work will take around 15 months and that the renovation will be completed in the first quarter of 2024. Of course, this is all subject to unforeseen setbacks.

Can I stay in my room during the maintenance?

You can continue to live in your room during the works. There will be some challenges, as we will be working on your floor for a few weeks and will occasionally have to carry out minor works in your room. We cannot say when this will be. We will do our best to keep the work period as short as possible. Please be aware of dust, noise and workers on the floor. This applies to all groups, including the small groups on the ground floor and also to the (corner) houses.

Can I study?

The former meeting centre, which has housed the firm van Buiten for many years, will be given an important function during the maintenance work. Van Buiten will be moving in a few months. We want to set up around 40 study places here so that you can study in relative peace at all times.

Move out in case of emergency?

We would like to create a number of guest houses for when there are special circumstances that make it impossible for a resident to stay in the group during the work. Think of dust allergy, etc.

What about the basic facilities when work is being done in our group?

The most drastic part is the replacement of the kitchen. That will take a few working days. We will help you with compensation by then. Think of meal vouchers etc. We try to keep toilets and showers available on a rotating basis.

Will I receive compensation?

Major maintenance is carried out to improve your living situation. The law states that there is no compensation for this. Of course, we will carry out the improvements as soon as possible so that you can enjoy them quickly and we will do our best to avoid any inconvenience during the maintenance.