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Privacy and cookies

Privacy and cookie statement

Privacy-sensitive data, or personal data, is processed via the website, the app and the Tenant Portal.  Stichting DUWO considers the careful handling of personal information to be of the utmost importance. We therefore process and safeguard all personal information carefully.

Our data processing complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means, among other things, that we:

- clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this by means of this privacy and cookie statement;

- limit our collecting of personal data strictly to the personal data necessary for legitimate purposes;

- ask you for your explicit consent to process your personal data in such cases where consent is required;

- take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data, and require the same from parties processing personal data on our behalf;

- respect your right, inter alia, to view, correct or delete your personal data at your request.

Stichting DUWO is responsible for the data processing. In this privacy and cookie statement we explain what personal data we collect and use and for what purposes. We advise you to read it carefully.

This privacy statement was last updated on 22 June 2021.

Use of personal information

By using our services you provide us with specific data. This may include personal data. We only store and use the personal information provided directly by you, or such data which was evident at the time of registration to be information that was provided in order to be processed by us. In order to facilitate the rental of housing, including the payments for that purpose and the use of the Tenant Portal, we collect the following data from you:

·         Full name;

·         Nationality;

·         CSN;

·         Copy of Proof of ID;

·         Address;

·         Telephone number;

·         Email address;

·         Date of birth;

·         Gender;

·         Payment details;

·         Study details, including student number;

·         Details of your parents;

·         Details of a third party paying the rent for you;

·         Correspondence with DUWO;

·         Log details of your key usage;

·         Meter readings;

·         Portal username;

·         Photos and videos (these are the files you add to a repair request or the chat function of the app)

Additionally, this data will be linked to unique codes to enable communication with the system. We do not publish your details. Only in the event of an internal move will the names of housemates be displayed.

We collect and process this data when you have entered into, or wish to enter into, a (rental) agreement with us, and you have given us permission to use the personal data, and we have a legitimate interest (for example to detect or prevent fraud and/or nuisance) or we are legally obliged to do so.

Photographs are taken for business events such as the opening of a new building. These photographs may be used for an article on our website or in our newsletter. The photographs will not be reused before obtaining express consent. If you do not want your photo to appear on the website or in our newsletter, please inform the photographer, or contact us via our contact page.

CCTV surveillance

We use CCTV surveillance. CCTV is used for the safety of our tenants and our buildings. We have installed information notices at all CCTV locations. The cameras are positioned in such a way that no homes or storage areas are captured, and with as minimal coverage as possible of the public road or third-party properties. The cameras are only used where there is no available alternative.

Contact form and newsletter

We offer a newsletter in which we provide information to those who are interested in our services. Your email address will be added to the list of subscribers only with your express permission. Every newsletter contains a link that allows you to unsubscribe.

When you submit a contact form on the website, or send us an email, the data you send to us will be stored for as long as necessary to correctly process such information, depending on the nature of the form or the content of your email.

Disclosure to third parties

Your data will under no circumstance be shared with third parties, other than to third parties that are required to provide the services you request. For example, for the maintenance of services, IT service providers and municipal authorities. We also share data with educational institutions for campus monitoring and for allocating and renting housing to foreign students.

Security and storage

We take appropriate technical and organisational measures with regard to any personal data that is to be processed, including against loss or any form of unlawful processing (such as unauthorised access, interference, alteration or communication of the personal data).

We will store your data for as long as we require the information. For example, for the duration of your tenancy agreement, and also for some time thereafter in accordance with legal requirements.

The Housing Act states that we must retain our tenants' personal information and contract information for 2 years following termination of the tenancy agreement.

Under the Tax Act, we must retain all financial data for 7 years following the termination of the tenancy agreement.

All your stored data will be automatically deleted from all our systems after the legally required retention periods.

Third-party websites

This statement does not apply to third-party websites that are linked to our website by means of hyperlinks. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data reliably or securely. We encourage you to read the privacy statement of these third-party websites before using such websites.

Social media buttons

On our website we use social media buttons, which redirect you to the social media platforms. This provides you with the option to follow us and share content across the network. You will additionally see our advertisements on your social media page. The buttons are activated by coding that originates from the social media networks. If you want to know how the social media platforms process your personal data, please read the privacy statement of the specific platform: 

  • Facebook (privacy statement) 
  • Instagram (privacy statement)
  • YouTube (privacy statement)
  • LinkedIn (privacy statement)

These social media companies are based in the United States. We are aware of the ruling of the EU Court of Justice of 16 July 2020 (Schrems II case) with implications for the transfer of personal data. We are currently investigating how best to remedy this. We are committed to respecting privacy and are trying to find a suitable solution. Once we have found an appropriate solution, you will be informed of this via this privacy statement. Do you have any further questions regarding the processing of your personal data? Please feel free to contact us using the contact details in this privacy statement.


On our websites we use our own cookies and those generated by third parties. Cookies are information files that can be automatically stored on or read from the visitor's device (such as a PC, tablet or smartphone) when visiting a website. This is done via the web browser on the device.

These cookies collect the following information from you:

  • IP address
  • Cookie ID
  • Website and click behaviour
  • Referrer URL

When you visit our website for the first time, we will display a notification explaining our cookies. While doing so we will ask for your consent regarding the use of cookies insofar as we are required to do so.

In the table below you will find an overview of the cookies we use.

Cookie; entity; safeguards




Retention period

Google Tag Manager


Google LLC, United States


Privacy Statement



Cookies from Google Tag Manager make it possible to load scripts from other cookies. Google Tag Manager is purely functional and is not used to collect personal data.



Google Analytics

Google LLC, United States



Privacy Statement




These cookies are used to obtain insight into visitor behaviour and to improve the user experience. We have set these cookies to be privacy-friendly. This means that we have:

  • Entered into a processing agreement with Google;
  • Provide Google with masked IP addresses only;
  • Furthermore, we do not not share data with Google; and
  • We do not use other Google services in combination with analytics.


A maximum of 2 years

GA Audiences


Google LLC, United States



Privacy Statement



GA Audiences cookies are used to enable website visitors to return based on their online website behaviour. This means that (among others) click behaviour is recorded for the purpose of measuring effectiveness and showing website visitors personalised content.


A maximum of 6 months

Google Adwords (Conversion) 

Google DoubleClick 

Google Dynamic Remarketing  


Google LLC, United States 



Privacy Statement 




Google cookies are used to experiment with the effectiveness of advertisements across the websites.   


Google AdWords cookies are used to enable website visitors to return based on their online website behaviour.  

We remarket and measure our advertising campaigns in order to show relevant ads. This website uses Google's retargeting options. It makes it possible to target visitors to our website who have previously expressed interest by showing advertisements tailored to the visitor and their interests in the Google search engine and the Google network.


A maximum of 1 year

Facebook Custom Audience


Facebook, United States



Privacy Statement




These cookies are used to enable Facebook advertising options. They record click behaviour and website visits.  For example, these cookies record a unique ID to identify returning devices. The purpose is to advertise and personalise.


A maximum of 3 months



First-party cookies for strictly functional purposes.



These cookies enable the website’s necessary functionalities, such as remembering the chosen language and whether consent has been given for cookies, displaying the cookie banner, etc.

A maximum of 2 years


Enabling, disabling and deleting cookies

More information about enabling, disabling and deleting cookies can be found in the instructions and/or by using your browser's Help function.

Deleting cookies

Most cookies have an expiration date. If an expiration date is set, the cookie is automatically deleted when the expiration date is reached. You can also choose to manually delete the cookies before the expiration date has been reached. Please see your browser manual.

Rights of party involved

You have the following rights:

  • Right to information

You have the right to know what information about you has been stored, why (for what purpose) the information has been stored, how long it will be stored for, and with whom it may be shared. This is described in the tenant details overview. You can find out how we handle your details in the user agreement and in this privacy statement.

  • Right of inspection

You have the right to know which of your details have been stored and processed.

  • Right to rectify

You can notify us if you believe that incorrect details about you have been stored. You must, however, be able to substantiate the correct details. You may submit a request form requesting that specific details be changed. You can edit your email address by logging on to www.duwo.nl.

  • Right to erasure ('right to be forgotten')

You have the legal right to indicate that you want all the data we have stored about you to be deleted. However, when requesting such deletion, we must comply with two other laws that require us to retain certain data. These laws take precedence over the right to be forgotten.

  • Right to restrict processing

This right means that your stored personal details cannot (temporarily) be used by us. For example, you can submit this request if you observe that your data is not correct, or if we do not have any reason for using your data.

  • Right of transferability

This right means that you can request that your personal details be transferred to another organisation or company. For example, you may request this when you want to rent accommodation from another company.

We will assume that if you are about to rent accommodation from another company that all your details will at that time be known to that company. In this event, we will not automatically forward your information to the other company. However, at your request, we will forward the information we hold about you to another organisation.

  • Right to object

You can object to the processing of your personal details for specific reasons. It is not a common occurrence that we stop processing your data, as we are obliged to process your data for as long as you remain our tenant. As a housing association we must comply with the Housing Act and tax laws.

However, we want to at least give you the opportunity to object.


Changes to this privacy and cookie statement

We reserve the right to make changes to this statement. We recommend that you refer to this statement regularly in order to be updated regarding any such changes.

Filing a complaint

If you believe that we are not assisting you in an appropriate manner regarding questions about your privacy, you have the right to submit a complaint to the regulator. This is called the Data Protection Authority.

Contact information

For questions about our privacy and cookie statement or questions about your rights, please contact us using the details below:

Stichting DUWO

Professor Schermerhornstraat 4

2628 PZ Delft


Contact form:  www.duwo.nl/contact/contactformulier

Telephone number: 0900-235896
Chamber of Commerce Reg. No (KvK).: 27220173