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Social safety: report undesirable behaviour

Reading time: 2 min

Unwanted or transgressive behaviour, such as bullying, discrimination, aggression, (sexual) harassment or violence, is unfortunately all too common. Also in DUWO student housing. Although we do everything we can to ensure a pleasant living environment in our student complexes, such situations cannot always be ruled out. That is why you will find concrete contact options on the website with which you can report undesirable behavior or (feelings of) insecurity.

Furthermore, a clear statement from the board states that every student should be able to feel free and safe in a DUWO home, regardless of background, culture, religion, sexual orientation or philosophy of life.

Respect for each other

Partly in response to a study by Amnesty International published in 2021, which shows that 11% of female students in the Netherlands had involuntary sexual contacts during their studies, DUWO developed a policy for social safety in student housing. A campaign was created to inform and make residents aware of the need to show respect, especially to each other, and what behavior is and is not acceptable. In addition, there is a more explicit option for low-threshold reporting of social unsafety. After all, annoying or serious circumstances can arise in which a resident needs to report them, needs help and support or wishes direct contact with a social manager. The reporting options vary from the well-known contact form (for example to report an unpleasant situation in a complex) to chatting and calling and the possibility of direct contact with a social manager (for example for more serious situations and outright insecurity).


It is not about acute help (which other agencies are there for), but about support, a listening ear, the possibility to help with solutions from the management of a complex and, if necessary, referral to aid agencies. In this way we can support our residents and at the same time identify social insecurity and abuses and also pass them on to the educational institutions and other authorities involved. They are also involved in the campaign.

You can go here

The website lists the contact options with which you can report undesirable behavior and social safety in your complex to DUWO. So are you dealing with that? Let us know via this link. Reports are of course treated strictly confidentially.
